Expert Scoliosis Treatment

right in the comfort of your own home

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  • Consultation
  • Examination
  • Treatment
  • Prescriptions

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About Our Practice

Scoliosis and kyphosis are disorders that cause an abnormal curvature of the spine. It can progress rapidly during the growth spurt just before puberty or in Adulthood due to hormonal changes. Scoliosis can cause pain, disability, and an inability to perform daily activities.

People are searching for conservative treatments for Scoliosis because it involves less risk than surgery. Scoliosis Systems LLP specializes in the latest and most effective non-surgical treatments for Scoliosis and kyphosis based on validated research. Our Program in collectively called “Scoli-Fit”.

Scoliosis Systems doctors are Independent Contractors and are here to serve you in the United States and Dubai. We serve patients in 31 cities across the US. which include NY, CA, TX, FL, NC, WA, CO, and AZ.

Dr. Marc J. Lamantia, DC

"Dr. Lamantia was a life-saver! My spine hurt so badly I could barely get out of bed, let alone focus on work. Luckily, I didn't have to get out of bed to get treatment with him. Highly Recommended!"

• Jane Schenk | Brooklyn

Convenient Appointments in The Comfort of Your Home.

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Schedule A Telemedicine Appointment For As Little As $99!

  • Expert advice from specialized scoliosis doctors
  • Medical concierge service from the comfort of your home
  • treatment plans, and brace & exercise prescriptions available